APCP – Página inicial




XII Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (Lisbon) March 6|7|8, 2025 Researchers interested in submitting proposals for panels and papers to the XI Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association should submit their proposal by 28 October via the following link: https://congresso-apcp.eventqualia.net/pt/2025/inicio/


14th Brazilian Political Science Association Meeting (ABCP)

As part of the 14th ABCP Meeting (Brazilian Political Science Association ), held from August 1 to 8 (2024), with the theme: Inequalities and Climate Justice: challenges of Political Science in the Global South, the Portuguese Political Science Association participated by organizing a round table.


APCP Prize - Deadline: 31st of July 2024

The Executive Board of the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP) is pleased to inform that applications for the Prize for the best doctoral thesis are open until the 31st of July 2024.


Graduate Conference of the African Studies Section of the APCP, 23 October 2024

Graduate Conference of the African Studies Section of the Portuguese Political Science Association, 23 October 2024, Lisbon Call for proposals: The African Studies Section of the Portuguese Political Science Association organises its first Graduate Conference on October 23, 2024 at Institute of Social Sciences-University of Lisbon & Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon.



XII Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (Lisbon) March 6|7|8, 2025 Researchers interested in submitting proposals for panels and papers to the XI Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association should submit their proposal by 28 October via the following link: https://congresso-apcp.eventqualia.net/pt/2025/inicio/


It happened: Workshop of the “Political Parties and Party Systems” Section

Workshop ‘Political Parties, Change in the Party System and Evolution of Portuguese Democracy’


Call for Proposals for IPSA’s 75th Anniversary Conference in Lisbon

To celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2024, IPSA is organizing an international conference in Lisbon with the support of the Gulbenkian Foundation and in partnership with the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP) on the theme Democratization and Autocratization from 11-13 September 2024. This three-day conference holds particular significance as it coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, which Samuel Huntington identified as the starting point of the “third wave” of democratization.


Democratization and Autocratization: IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference

Call for Proposals | 27 February to 10 April 2024 Submit your proposals and join us in shaping the discourse on the challenges and prospects of democracy and autocracy in the contemporary world. There are two submission options:


APCP I PhD Peer exchange

We are delighted to invite submissions for the APCP I PhD Peer exchange, dedicated to the advancement of political science research.


Save the Date - IPSA: Call for Papers and Panels

From September 11th to 13th, 2024, the conference "Democratization and Autocratization" of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) will take place in Lisbon, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as part of the celebration of its 75th anniversary.


Call for papers | Section on Parties and Party Systems

The APCP section on Parties and Party Systems invites the submission of proposals for the Workshop Parties, Party System Change and the Evolution of Portuguese Democracy. We invite papers that deal with the empirical study of Portuguese political parties and the party system during the democratic period (1974-2024). The thematic and methodological approaches of the papers are deliberately broad, but priority will be given to papers that focus on the long-term transformation of Portuguese political parties and/or the party system and their impact on the evolution of Portuguese democracy. We also welcome comparative papers (which include Portugal) and encourage young scholars to apply.


Prof. Madalena Meyer Resende on the IPSA Executive Committee

During the IPSA Council on July 19, 2023, the last day of the 27th IPSA congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Prof. Madalena Meyer Resende, President of APCP, was elected to the 27th Executive Committee of IPSA and was re-elected Vice-President of this association, in her second term (2023-2025).


27th IPSA congress, Buenos Aires, 2023

The 27th IPSA congress took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 15 to 19 July 2023, under the theme "Politics in the Age of Transnational Crises: Vulnerability and Resilience".



The APCP congratulates Bruno Rocha, winner of the FLAD Political Science Prize that rewards the best master's thesis in the areas of Political Science and International Relations.


8th edition of the APCP Prize

At the XI APCP Congress, which took place from March 30 to April 1, 2023, at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Beira Interior, in Covilhã, the prize referring to the 8th edition of the APCP Prize was awarded.



The XI APCP Congress took place from March 30 to April 1, 2023, at the Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior, in Covilhã. The Congress had around 350 participants who presented their papers, comprising the following thematic areas: Portuguese Society and Politics, European Studies, Comparative Politics, Governance and Local Politics, Administration and Public Policies, International Relations and Political Theory.


Executive Board 2023-2025

On March 30 our General Assembly took place at the Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã.


FLAD Political Science Award

FLAD will award the best MA dissertation in the areas of Political Science and International Relations, with participation in the next IPSA congress, to be held in 2023.


Professor Adriano Moreira

The Portuguese Political Science Association mourns the death of Professor Adriano Moreira, a founding member of this Association and President of the General Assembly from 1998 to 2021.


Call for Papers and Panels | XI APCP Congress

Call for Papers and Panels XI Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, University of Beira Interior (Covilhã) March 30 - April 01, 2023 Researchers interested in submitting proposals for panels and papers to the XI Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association should submit their proposal by 2 December via the following link: https://congresso-apcp.eventqualia.net/pt/2023/inicio/


APCP's XI Congress and APCP PhD Prize - Information

Dear APCP members, Dear colleagues, The Executive Board of the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP) is pleased to announce that the APCP's XI Congress will take place between March 30 and April 01, 2023.


Presentation of the Book: "Ciência Política à Portuguesa"

On the 25th of March took place, at Livraria Almedina, the presentation of the book "Ciência Política à Portuguesa".


Presentation of the 2021 APCP Prize and the book "Ciência Política à Portuguesa"

On March 25th, at 6 pm, will take place the presentation of the 2021 APCP Prize and the book "Ciência Política à Portuguesa", by António Costa Pinto, João Cardoso Rosas, Madalena Resende and organizers of the book.


APCP General Assembly

On July 20 our General Assembly took place at the NOVA-FCSH, in a hybrid regime. About 40 people participated in the General Assembly. The protocol of the previous assembly, the activity report of the outgoing Executive Board, the accounting report and the new candidate list for the APCP Executive Board for the biennium 2021-2023 and respective program were approved unanimously.


Roundtables organized by APCP

Roundtables organized by the Portuguese Political Science Association (APCP), within the scope of the 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science taking place, in online format, from 10 to 15 July 2021:


Professor Nuno Monteiro

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the death of Professor Nuno Monteiro, from Yale University and a member of our Association.


The 2021 IPSA World Congress Goes Virtual

Due to the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IPSA Executive Committee (EC) took the difficult decision to transition to a fully Virtual Congress in 2021.


Additional Call for Proposals for the 2021 IPSA World Congress is Now Open!

Dear colleagues, Due to the evolution of the situation of COVID-19, the IPSA Executive Committee, in consultation with the Local Organizing Committee in Portugal and the Program Co-chairs, has therefore decided to postpone the 2020 IPSA World Congress to July 2021 (10-14 July). We are pleased to announce the opening of an Additional Call for Proposals.



Dear colleagues, Due to the evolution of the situation of COVID-19, the IPSA Executive Committee, in consultation with the Local Organizing Committee in Portugal and the Program Co-chairs, has therefore decided to postpone the 2020 IPSA World Congress to July 2021.



STATUTES AND INFORMATION The Portuguese Political Science Association Prize is meant to stimulate creativity and thoroughness in Political Science and International Relations research. The Prize will be given to the best PhD thesis in these areas.


70th anniversary celebration IPSA

APCP President and Vice-President, Professors Carlos Jalali and Madalena Resende, participated in the 70th anniversary celebration IPSA

Call for Papers -ECPR General Conference 2020

Call for Papers -ECPR General Conference 2020 Section: Continuity and Change in Southern European Politics Proposed Panel: Protest in ‘post-crisis’ Southern Europe: Sustained Activism or Demobilization and Disengagement?


Call for Panels Open for the 2020 IPSA World Congress in Lisbon

Dear colleague, The International Political Science Association (IPSA) will hold its 26th World Congress in Lisbon (Portugal) under the theme “New Nationalisms in an Open World” from July 25 to 29, 2020. We, therefore, invite you to share your research on issues to which political science can bring important insights.


2020 IPSA World Congress | 26th World Congress of Political Science

The Portuguese Association of Political Science is pleased to inform you that The 26th World Political Science Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) will take place in Lisbon, at the NOVA University, Campolide Campus.


ECPSA Annual General Assembly

The ECPSA Annual General Assembly was held on the 22nd and 23rd of February, in Lisbon, with Prof. Pablo Oñate (ECPSA President) and Prof. Krisztina Arató (ECPSA Treasurer).

The University Education of Political Science and International Relations in Portugal

You can read here the study about Political Science and International Relations in Portugal, carried out by the authors Mariana Carmo Duarte (CIES-IUL) and Joana Calado Mendes (IPRI-NOVA).


2018 IPSA World Congress | 25th World Congress of Political Science

Last July (July 21-25, 2018), the 25th World Political Science Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) was held in Brisbane, Australia.


APCP Prize 2018

The Portuguese Political Science Association is pleased to announce that the "Prize for the Best Doctoral Dissertation", (6th Edition) was attributed to Jovana Ranito.


It happened: IX APCP Congress | April 18 to 20, 2018

It happened the IX APCP Congress from 18 to 20 April, at the University of Minho (Campus of Gualtar - Braga).

APCP Prize 2016

The Portuguese Political Science Association is pleased to announce that the "Prize for the Best Doctoral Dissertation" was attributed to Edalina Rodrigues Sanches.

Prize for the Best Paper presented to the VIII Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Associat

The Portuguese Political Science Association is pleased to announce that the "Prize for the Best Paper presented to the VIII Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association" was attributed to António Vasconcelos Dias.

Prize Best Paper VIII Conference Portuguese Political Science Association

Prize Best Paper VIII Conference Portuguese Political Science Association

4th Edition APCP Prize

The Jury of the 4th Edition of the APCP Prize.

Prize Best Paper VII Conference Portuguese Political Science Association

With the goal of contributing to the autonomy and development of Political Science in Portugal.