APCP – Página inicial

Section on Governance and Local Policy

  • Why create a section of Governance and Local Politics (SGPL)?

    Although governance issues are crucial in the area of Political Science, their articulation at the local level is often overlooked. SGPL intends to establish itself as a sharing platform for anyone who develops their research work in this thematic area, thus promoting the creation of a scientific community on governance and local politics within the APCP.

  • A section of Governance and Local Politics for what?

    SGPL intends, through the promotion of training and dissemination events, to promote the creation of national and international networks on this subject, to encourage the involvement of PhD students and early-career researchers, and to articulate research, knowledge and the qualification of local public policies.





Filipe Teles, Universidade de Aveiro


António F. Tavares, Universidade do Minho, EEG
Luís de Sousa, ICS-UL




Filipe Teles, Universidade de Aveiro


António F. Tavares, Universidade do Minho, EEG

Luís de Sousa, ICS-UL

Contact: gpl.apcp@gmail.com